Monday, December 22, 2008

Creating a Monster

I like to read book versions of stories before seeing the movies. Hence, I finally gave in and picked up Twilight this weekend. I started it Saturday afternoon and finished it yesterday. Here is what I now know:

  1. I could not find New Moon fast enough upon completion.
  2. Too long a span between dates + time to actually relax on the couch and read = One massive crush on a fictional teenage vampire.
  3. I'm addicted.


hp said...

YAY! Another Twilighter to's almost like being bitten by a vampire. Spread the word, Busse! :)

Mamma Meg said...

Merry Christmas to me!! It's about dang time. Now we can be REAL friends. Maybe I will fly out there to watch the movie with you...yes, it would be worth it.

Sassmaster said...

I gave in and saw the movie before reading the book because my mom wanted me to see it with her. I've got a crush on that teenage vampire too, and I haven't even read about him yet! I have the book sitting on my night stand ready to read as soon as I have time to relax. You've wet my appetite even more. :)

mle said...

You've succombed to the addiction that is Twilight! I'm always happy & excited for those newbies who discover the magic of these books. :) It's a lot like Harry Potter in that way -- resist the popular frenzy, but eventually you come around and can't believe you waited so long! Happy reading! Merry Christmas!

Globe Trecker said...

Another addict. Fun reading, huh? I, too, resisted for so long and finally gave in this spring. I was surprised that I really liked them!