Thursday, February 12, 2009

You know you're truly sick when....

  1. Your boss actually tells you to go home.
  2. Orange juice, applesauce, spagetti-o's - they all taste the same... like nothing
  3. No sense of smell
  4. You spend 6 hours laying in bed alternating between freezing and burning up.
  5. Every joint in your body emits pain..

Thus has been my last few days. Marilyn and Teddy have been good helpers, not asking for much besides their regular mealtimes, and content to snuggle up next to their sickly caretaker.


Melonius said...

That's no good.

Cheryl said...

Oh, honey. We have the same thing here...I'm so sorry!

hillari said...

Oh dear, that sounds terrible. So far I have escaped such a fate, but my three children have not. Almost as much fun to take care of sick kids as it is to be sick yourself. Get better!

Globe Trecker said...

Awe, get well soon! I'd wondered what happened to you this week;)

Mamma Meg said...

Ugh! I wish you were closer so we could spoil you a little!