Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Read at the Virginia Historical Society

Ok... I keep having flashbacks for a newspaper snippet I read at the museum over the weekend. It was in the photography exhibit and taken from the Richmond paper's frontpage somewhere in the 1880s, I think (fuzzy on the dates... could be a little off).

Anyway... one colunm featured a sketch of a young woman on a "Missing Person" report. This woman hadn't been seen in a couple months and was from the western part of the state, but was believed to be in or near Richmond.

This is the part I can't get over. In the description, it said that she was 5'5" and weighed 107 lbs. Her figure was "medium with a large waist".

Um.... how can you weigh 107 and have a large waist?


hillari said...

wow, that is crazy. Things have changed a ton since then.

Mamma Meg said...

Maybe that was code for "pregnant."