What's with the 3 guys in Aberchrombie shirts behind Obama?
Can't wait for the chatter on this one.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hanging Shads
That's right. I said Shads instead of chads.
Keeping in my theme lately of sights of VA during my travels, I thought I'd bring you this little gem of Virginia history and political culture.
Wednesday was the annual Shad Planking in Wakefield. In case you don't know what a shad is (as I didn't before this week), it is a fish. In fact it's a fish commonly caught to use as bait. However, centuries ago, it was a staple of Native American diet in the area. Planking refers to the cooking method (also keeping in the Native American tradition). The fish are filleted down the middle and tacked to boards. The boards are set upright surrounding a line of fire, to smoke them over a period of a few hours. (See picture below).
In modern VA, however, the Shad Planking is an annual fundraiser for the Wakefield Ruritan and one of the largest political events of the year. Sign wars are integral. Speeches are given in a "roast" style (although, in my opinion, not nearly as entertaining as a roast). Shads are eaten. Beer is guzzled. Handshakes and deals are given and made. The big players all attend. This year's speakers were Mark Warner, Jim Gilmore and Bob Marshall. John Hager, the current chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia and soon to be father-in-law to Jenna Bush, did the introductions.
I went to set up signs for the Lt. Governor and help with his food and beverage tents. It was a long but fun day. I left at 5:45am to get there at the appointed time and got home again at 9:00pm. I had just enough time to brush my teeth and turn on the news before falling asleep.
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Lesson in Time Management
While driving to Henry Co. a few weeks ago, I passed by this sight in Chatham. I had to turn around and snap a picture. (Go ahead... click it to magnify). Now, this is winterized Kudzu. It is missing the rich green color and dense leaf coverage it gets in the summertime. But, I think you can get the general idea. There are many regions of VA that are blanketed in this aggressive plant. When I first encountered it, I thought it was novel and fascinating.
Now, after having my own few battles with the insidious beast (keeping it out of bushes and from growing up the chimney), I think it nothing but a pain in the kiester. You have to remain vigilant in beating it back, uprooting it, burning it, cursing at it and praying for its demise.
I will let you draw your own personal conclusions about how this pertains to time mangagement (or grudges, or repentence, or ill will, or weight gain, or procrastination). I've got mine.
Monday, April 7, 2008
I've made many more trips to Richmond in the recent past than normal. I've gotten used to passing the Tysons Chicken hatchery along the drive.
I've also seen a few trucks like the one I captured in these pictures. Although I've thought about blogging about this previously, the magic of a camera phone enabled me to seize the moment in order to bring more understanding (along with a reminder to get it done).
I consider myself a life-long animal lover but not an animal activist. However, the Fast Food Nation craze a few years ago, and being employed to make people healthier began my own thinking about the amount of meat I eat.
For those who understand the words "Word of Wisdom", verses 12-13 have stuck out to me more in the last two years. I've often thought the cure to American obesity is to have everyone raise their own food again. Now, I can't help but wonder if we all heeded the above counsel, if it would revolutionize mass meat farming practices.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
New Kids' Reunion?
Is this the Boston Globe's idea of a April Fool's joke? Not funny... not funny...
And lest you think it's not funny because it's not a good idea. WRONG. There are a few years of my childhood that were defined by loading the batteries into my tapeplayer to go outside and listen to "I'll be Loving You" while stargazing and endlessly playing and rewinding the "Hanging Tough" video to get the choreography right for a talent show. I'm an unabashed former NKOTB regional fan club captain. I lost my voice screaming "I LOVE YOU JOEY MCINTIRE" from the nosebleed seats at the concert. Let the teasing begin.