I first got a cell phone in 2001. My first ring tone was "take me out to the ballgame". Not too long after that it became the familiar notes of John Williams found here. It was just last week that I graduated to a "grownup" tone, after 7 years of Indie.
Even better this time around is that much of the movie was filmed in my home town of Deming, NM! You can catch some great scenic glimpses at seconds 32-33 and 39.
This is one I must see on opening night. Who's in?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Heck Yeah!
Gifts and Burdens (a repeat)
This was originally written exactly a year ago on 2/28/07. I'm reposting because a new comment just got submitted to the old site, and I wanted Robert to have a chance to let his memories be heard ;-)
Today I partook in an ongoing and generally personally unpleasant experience. Yet, it still leaves me feeling good about myself – Donating Blood.
For those familiar with my former donation antics, today was typical. Despite my giving up Diet Dr. Pepper and now consuming mass quantities of water all the time, and my fairly consistent exercise schedule, my veins were hard to find, and half way through,… I became light-headed. The first time this happened, along with today, I found myself wondering if the sudden intense feelings of heat, slight sensation of nausea and fading vision were what it feels like when you’re about to pass out. I’ve never actually passed out, but I have concluded that it is indeed. If you’ve ever passed out and can remember what it felt like, I’d welcome your confirmation or correction of my hypotheis.
I’m growing accustomed to having 4 phlebotomists suddenly at my side, a magically appearing Styrofoam cup of Sprite with a bendy straw slyly inserted between my lips, my foot rest shooting up, my head coming quickly down and droves of volunteers for 30 minutes after that asking if I’m ok or need more to drink. I’m not fond of the attention. Maybe I’d feel better if I witnessed someone else go through this, to know I’m not alone.
Why do I continue to subject myself to this?
Because I feel socially obligated. It’s not comfortable, it’s not fun for me, but knowing that it could help someone on the other end is satisfying enough for me. I possess healthy blood, and in someone else’s tragedy or emergency – it will come in handy.
This did make me think, largely because of preparing an upcoming lesson for young women’s, about other gifts and talents we each have. In large part, I think the personal innate strengths we possess were given us to benefit someone else. It may not be comfortable to share them and giving service can sometimes feel awkward. Gifts can be burdens. But, ultimately, they do no good when we’re selfish with them.
Oh… and as a footnote, perhaps if any of you out there who don’t donate blood could start, the supply would stay at high enough levels that those of us who struggle through it can cut back a little Just a thought…
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Extreme Makeover - Blog Edition
After months of admiring other bloggers' creations, I finally stumbled on how some of them ended up so cute and what amount of html programming has to be braved. Here's to becoming a little more unique than the blogger template!
The Health Science Major makes Healthy Attempts
Ok, so I already mentioned by abandonment of Diet Dr. Pepper and carbonation in general. I've also picked up a few other good habits of late. Specifically, avoiding the following:
- High Fructose Corn Syrup - I remember a guest at Elizabeth's bridal shower mentioning she didn't want the leftover jam from crepes because she tries not to
feed her little girl any high fructose corn syrup. Hmm... That must have gotten me thinking. It's amazing, once you start looking, at how many items have it in there. I had to change the salsa I usually buy, along with yogurt, bread, some beverages (Vitamin Waters have it in them) and ketchup. I have a visual reminder of that commercial with a school play and the kids are dressed like food additives. I think of the drippy chemically altered child standing on the stage. It's motivating.
- Partially Hydrogenized Anything - The source of most transfats. I haven't had to
make many changes for this one. But, instead of the visual reminder while shopping, I have a little voice in my head that sounds like Heidi Klum on an episode of Project Runway. As I scan down the list of ingredients, I hear, "you are OUT" or conversely, "you are IN".
- Biting my nails - I've had acrylics for several years to combat my bad habit of biting my nails. It was the only way i could keep presentable hands. During the last 2 months o
n the campaign trail, there was no time to get them filled. I just couldn't justify leaving the office while everyone was feverishly busy to get my nails done. The product of that time was some really horrid looking fingers as I bit the acrylics off and proceeded on to my own nails and cuticles. MAGICALLY when the campaign ended, I realized I had a hint of nails growing back in. Since then, I have been able to avoid them. They actually look great and natural. I'll just have to make sure I keep myself in check when my stress level goes up again.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Little Ditty for You
Subtitled: An Ode to Kathy
It's been so long since I've posted regularly. In fact, the argument could be made that I never have. I would guess that I've lost what few readers I had.
Imagine my suprise and delight when I received an email yesterday about a comment from "Kathy". At first look, I wasn't sure who this was, so I clicked the profile link and found the former Ditty!
Nothing makes you feel as good as finding an unknown reader. Thanks for making my day. It makes me want to be a better blogger.
Also... as a side note - Bryan, I promise I got rid of my playlist before I read your post about them.
I stumbled upon this little bit of heaven on my shopping trip today. In my blogging hiatus, I've neglected to tell you many things. One of these, is that I have given up Diet Dr. Pepper yet again and am drinking water. While looking for deals in the health/organic section, I saw this:
I have happy childhood memories of chewing on mint leaves in my Great Aunt Kay's backyard. Stemming from this, I love most things with a real mint (and sometimes not so real) flavor: herbal peppermint tea, the spearmint tea at Marrakesh, thin mints, wrigley's spearmint gum, etc. Add this now to the list. If you like a hint of mint, maybe you'll like it as much as I do.
Plus... the only ingredients are purified water and mint. Gotta love it!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Glenn Beck - President Hinckley
Part of what I've missed being on the road is my regular TV line up, Glenn Beck being a part of that. I am grateful I did have the opportunity to take time out to attend the broadcast of President Hinckley's funeral, though. It was so touching and moving to recall all I have learned from him and the number of times I quietly borne witness to that he was a man of God.